Keeping an IoT eye on tires

Truck tires cost serious money, so getting the most miles out of a set of treads sounds like good business sense. Besides, not all truck drivers are honest, and many employers complain new tires are often exchanged for old so somebody can pocket a few extra bucks. Humberto Loma Baptistella, CMO of WebRadar based in Brasil says his company is tackling both the problem of excessive tire wear and pilfering by using IoT to monitor them remotely.

The system uses sensors in the tires themselves to report tread depth and to report when a emergency braking maneuver causes on-sided abrasion, causing the tire to become unround, a potential safety hazard. We ran acros WebRadar at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, where the company was showcasing its IoT solutions for various verticals such as telcos, for whom they offer network analysis and hotspot planning.

But the automotive sector is where they offer some truly innovative solutions, including real-time fleet management that includes monitoring loading and unloading via video, as well as something they call “retogama”, e.g. route scheduling and working hours control, just to name a few.

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