Archiv der Kategorie: Wein

Cuvée or not cuvée – that is the question!

“What is a cuvée?”, an American on Quora asked me recently. And in fact that is an interesting question. The simple answer is: Any wine made from different grape varieties, vintages or vineyard sites is called a blend. The direct … Weiterlesen

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Can you drink wine that has turned to vinegar?

I really love Quora because sometimes answering the questions people ask there means you have to dig down deep to fill out the information already stored in your head. This happened to me again when someone asked if it’s okay … Weiterlesen

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No such thing as a „strongest Cognac“

What is the strongest Cognac, someone asked me on Quora the other day. Cognac happens to be a subject I know lots about: As a young reporter for auto motor und sport I was tasked with writing a major piece … Weiterlesen

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Der König ist tot – es lebe Crémant!

Da der Champagner zu einem massenhaft produzierten und maaslos überteuerten Statussymbol geworden ist, sollten wir uns wahrscheinlich am besten nach Alternativen umsehen, auch wenn der Handelskrieg von Trump verpufft. Der will ja Strafzölle darauf erheben, was den Preis des „Königs … Weiterlesen

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Taking a Second Look at Lambrusco

In my misspent days as a student in Heidelberg, my friends and I spent most of out time and effort trying to procure and consume as much alcohol as possible for the least amount of money. Lambrusco was ideal for … Weiterlesen

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The Wine Capital of the World? Would you believe Andorra?

The United States in the biggest market for wine, but Americans are far from leading the world as far as average consumption is concerned. According to an 2017 article in the London Telegraph, that honor goes to tiny Andorra, a … Weiterlesen

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How I Got To Drink the Best Wine in the World

A question on Quora today sent me off on a trip down memory lane. Someone asked: „Which bottles should be tasted at least once in the life of a wine lover?“ My answer was: Tricky, because simply going by name … Weiterlesen

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“What is the best flavored wine?”

There are two ways to answer this question which I found on Quora. Presumably, the writer didn’t really mean “which wine tastes best”. That would simply be a matter of taste. I prefer to read the question as “What is … Weiterlesen

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